chief poetic officer
Poet - Speaker - Author - Speech Writer - MC - Artist
Poetize the world - Poétisons le monde

vincent avanzi

Passionate about inspiring, aligning and elevating
by bringing more poetry and harmony to the world
Chief Poetic Officer - Brand Artist - Author - Globe Trotter - Speaker - Enlightened Leader
Vincent Avanzi is a Chief Poetic Officer, inspirational Speaker, Leadership Coach, Corporate Poet and founder of La Plume Du Futur (The Ink of the Future). After graduating from ESCP in Paris and working at Microsoft as a global account manager, he went on to do a world tour called "A Human Odyssey: The 12 steps to reconnect to your heroic self". The goal was to see how to change your self in order to change the world, find your Genius Spot and enlighten the world.
With a life passion for poetry and a life mission to poetize our society, he now gives conferences to companies and entrepreneurs throughout the world on “corporate poetry” to unleash the human potential, develop the purpose leadership and reveal collective intelligence. He also performs poetic speeches in all kinds of public events to inspire as an opening or closing capture aiming at the art of living together. Poetry is a positive and optimistic momentum towards the future and a revelation tool to write possible horizons for the world(s) of tomorrow.
Author of 7 books, including "Trouver son Point Génial"(ed Hachette) and "Harmony and the Genius Spot of Mankind", he facilitates keynotes and round-tables as a Poetic Master of Ceremony. Co-founder of the first Corporate Happiness University in France and practioner of Positive Psychology, he writes articles for the business newspaper Les Echos and is a residential artist at the Institute for Desirable Futures. He also launched a Corporate Poets Society with a baseline : "change the words to change the world".
Some references : Sustainable Brands, Procter&Gamble, Christian Dior, VISA, Cap Gemini, Air France, Chanel, OuiShare Festival, Orange, France Télévisions, SNCF, Sanofi-Aventis, Société Générale, HEC Executive MBA, Microsoft, Stand Up For Passion, Ticket For Change, Salon des Entrepreneurs, Printemps de l'Optimisme, Corporate Happiness Université, Total, UCLA etc.
Version Française :
Vincent Avanzi est Chief Poetic Officer, Inspirational Speaker, plume de dirigeants et fondateur de La Plume Du Futur. Ancien salarié de grands groupes, globe trotter, journaliste aux Echos et auteur de « Trouver son Point Génial » (Editions Marabout/Hachette), il contribue à repoétiser la société, réenchanter le monde, humaniser les entreprises et sublimer des événements aux travers de conférences, d’ateliers et de discours poétiques sur l’éveil des richesses humaines, la coécriture poétique du monde de demain, l’harmonie avec la planète, le leadership éclairé et l’âme des corporations. Il intervient enfin en tant que consultant sur la communication des marques et coach sur l’art de trouver sa voie.
English Version :
Vincent Avanzi is a Chief Poetic Officer, Inspirational Speaker, Leadership Coach and founder of The Ink of The Future. Journalist for the newspaper Les Echos, he is the author of 2 world tours, 3 TEDx and 7 books including “Harmony and The Genius Spot of Mankind”. Former manager with a life passion for poetry, he invented the concept of “Corporate Poetry” to bridge the gap between business and wisdom, poetry and prospective, leadership and harmony. He is now delivering inspiring key notes, poetic speeches and workshops on how to develop the human potential and design new horizons for our future, in public and corporate events across the world. He is also a consultant on “poetic brand identity”
Chief Poetic Officer - The Ink Of The Future
ESCP Business School and HEC Montreal Master
Microsoft Excellence and Citizenship Award
Residential Artist of Institute for Desirable Future
Practioner of Appreciative Inquiry
Journalist at Les Echos
Master of Poetic Ceremony
Genius Spot Key Note and Founder
Public Speaking and Facilitation
Anchor Man and Moderator round table animation
Creativity and Leadership Consultant
Speech writer for Leaders

"L'utopie est un possible avenir, pas impossible à venir"